Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Miss EDU them

I recently created a board on my Pinterest called "Continuing EDU...". There is not much on it yet but it made me realize how I am still interested in learning even though I am not in school.

This is a good sign.

This week I launched a mini campaign on my companies Facebook page that encouraged people to share a photo on their wall and tell their story of why they love our products and joined our team. (I work for a MLM company.) And, zilch. NO ONE has shared the photo.

My thoughts:

We only have 300 something likes...maybe none of those 300 people have logged on to Facebook in the last 24 hours?! 

Maybe I didn't explain it clear enough?

Did everyone quit the company last night!?

Am I a horrible person?

Okay, okay, I will stop the thoughts. They get progressively worse, I promise.

After reflecting on it today, I thought about something I was taught a few years ago. It was from a training that I received and the phrase often comes into my head: Teach them 'how to' before 'will you'.


Our demographic is age 40-65 and many of them are not computer savvy-sit at a desk all day-kind of people. So, chances are, they don't even know HOW to share a photo.

Hence, HOW TO:

Simple, but helpful--hopefully. 


Please restore my confidence and help me reach my social media goals. 

What does this have to do with my Pinterest board? Well, not everyone is seeking to learn things on their own and they need some help along the way. Don't be scared to "dummy" things down for people. 

*That may have been a stretch but it made sense to me before I started writing it all out.*



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